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What Tool to Change Mazda 2020 S6J329 Odometer?

Mazda3 and Mazda CX30 from year 2020 have S6J329CPLS Spansion mcu on Speedo. They are equipped with VISTEON cluster and have no EEPROM.     Mazda 3 2020 cluster Picture from the other side of PCB. BTW, the needles does not have to be removed in this cluster to reach both sides of the PCB. It has S6J329 Spansion mcu. It is different from the S6J3001 that DENSO uses in Toyota’s clusters(RA...

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Scripts to read Renesas RH850 MCU’s with iProg

I share scripts to read Renesas RH850 MCU’s with Iprog+ using Serial Nº1, connections diagram also included. password: Archive password=   w@wRoturbo_Renesas_RH850 Credits to @RoTor  Roturbo R7F7010023 (512Kb+32Kb+32Kb).ipr R7F7010024 (512Kb+32Kb+32Kb).ipr R7F7010033 (936Kb+32Kb+32Kb).ipr R7F7010034 (936Kb+32Kb+32Kb).ipr R7F...

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Orange5, Xprog, iprog EEPROM Reading Reviews

I have xprog 5.55 clone a couple of years and never let me down mate. newer versions have issues. also upa clone, old but still good, tl866 clone, and orange too with little knowledge and searching in forum (DK or MMH) you can rework most of them and never have problems They are pretty cheap so I suggest ,—-if you do it as a hobby—-,buy both xprog and upa with all their adapters. But surely origin...

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Read and Write PCF79xx ECU by iProg or VVDI Prog

There are two solutions to read and write PCF79xx: Iprog+ clone + PCF79XX SD-card adapter or Xhorse VVDI Prog programmer + PCF79XX Adapter Iprog+ clone + PCF79XX SD-card adapter √PCF7941 √PCF7952 √PCF7953 √PCF7961 Read and write the above PCF79XX chip through MSDA, MSCL lines. VVDI Prog  + PCF79XX Adapter √PCF7922 √PCF7941 √PCF7945 √PCF7952 √PCF7953 √PCF7961 PCF79XX chip functions: √Lock √Unlock √...

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iProg and Carprog Hardware and Function Comparison

Look here: difference between iProg Plus and CarProg Programmer iProg Plus CarProg Full Image     Price (china clone) 109.00 usd 69.99 usd Update Free to update; Users can update iprog+ sw themselves FREE but new firmware required; Users cannot update carprog sw on their own Software version V80 (released in 2019) V10.93 (released in 2017) Operating system Windows XP; Windows vista; Windows 7; Win...

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Read Toyota Hilux Immobilizer 89780-06130 with iProg+ Clone

Toyota Hilux not start, detected B2799 fault code (ECU immobilizer system error) using Launch X431 scanner. Read and repair ECU Immobilizer 89780-06130 data using iprog+ pro clone. Then erase fault codes. Now vehicle starts again. Picture attched below: 

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How to Set up iProg+ Pro v76 Software on Win 7?

Here’s the run down step-by-step for newbies to install iProg+ Pro v76 driver software on Windows 7 32 bit. iProg V76 software download:  password: fm63a3 Software version: iprog+ v76 (version 2019) Operating system: Recommend Windows 7 32 bit and 64 bit Iprog 76 installation instruction: (install iprog driver software, then run iprog app for use – no need step by ...

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