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Best Way to Read and Write BMW FEM 95128 95250

With the adapter, you can read and write data from BMW FEM-BDC immobilizer 95128/95256 or instrument 35080/35160. It is safe and stable, without data lost source: Device compatible: Work for VVDI PROG, UUSP UPA-USB, CG Pro 9S12, Orange5 Connection: BMW FEM-BDC 8Pin Adapter for 95128/95256 Chip UPA and FEM-BDC 8Pin Ada...

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Orange5, Xprog, UPA or VVDI Prog Read TM370 MCU

What is the best programmer to read TMS370 mcu, vvdi prog, Orange 5, Xprog or other programmers? Let’s check it out. Orange 5 1) Orange 5 Original  Orange 5 definitely no problem with TMS370 But it require TMS370 adapter and license for instrument TMS370/TMS374/TMS375. 2) OEM Orange 5 TMS370 adapter comes default in package and does not require license.   Orange5 clone works well.  Support EE...

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UPA USB 1.4 Program Toyota Lexus All Keys Lost

UPA-USB programmers will help program the Toyota/Lexus smart keys when all keys are lost. UPA v1.4 … worked! UPA v1.2 or UPA v1.3 … cheap way to have a try! Part 1: How does UPA-USB work Part 2: How to add keys (Second Hand Key) Part 3: Reset ID & Smart Box Part 1: How does UPA-USB work for Toyota/Lexus all keys lost There are three ways to program smart keys to Toyota or Lexus when all keys a...

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How to Repair or Unlock ATMEGA64 on Xprog

Here’s the customer solution to help users solve the problem xprog atmega64 locked and can not read or program chip issue. This is done off board with qfp64 breakout board should be able to  program onboard xprog also though. Disclaimer:  Many thanks dil6222 from forum. You are at your risk. Easy fix all you need is: 1. UPA USB PROGRAMMER 2. USBASP WITH SLOW CLOCK JUMPER ON EXT...

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UPA USB or Yanhua Mini ACDP to Read & write Fujitsu MB91F

Q: Hello anyone used this new Yanhua Mini ACDP tool for Fujitsu MB91Fxxx in Honda dash? I’ve also seen some one use UPA USB V1.4 for Fujitsu? A: You have luck with either a UPA-USB programmer or Mini ACDP, to read and write Fujitsu MB91Fxxx. Both are tested successfully by professionals. Here are tips and guides of Fujitsu MB91Fxxx read and write. Option 1: UPA-USB V1.4 reads & writes Fujitsu ...

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